Urban Greening: the New West End Company Sustainable Innovation Report
“Urban Greening”, New West End Company’s first Sustainability Report, highlights the exceptional work businesses in the district are contributing to make our high streets a better place for all.
Featuring a mix of case studies and innovations tailored to the specific needs of the West End, the report provides readers with visionary, forward-thinking ideas, as well as practical, actionable takeaways that businesses can start implementing today. To help members better understand how each innovation might apply to their business, we’ve included West End Views, marked by New West End Company’s logo, throughout.
“Rather than reinvent the wheel, however, we’re building on the exceptional work our members are already doing. Day in, day out, they continue to explore innovative ways to embed sustainability into the very fabric of our district. We don’t need to look far for inspiration – it’s right here on our doorstep”
Nathan Parsad-Wyatt, Director of Communications & Campaigns at New West End Company