New West End Company represents both property and occupier businesses in the West End, making it the UK’s largest retail & leisure-led BID.
We represent 82 streets and over 600 businesses across London’s West End.
A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographical area in which the local businesses have voted to invest together to improve their local trading environment.
BIDs provide additional or improved services, identified by the local businesses, to enhance the performance of businesses in the district. This could include extra marketing, safety, cleaning or environmental measures.
BIDs are business-led organisations. They are funded by a mandatory levy, added to the business rate, on all eligible businesses after a successful ballot.
With the renewal in 2021, we also extended our BID area to cover 82 streets in the West End. To view the list of streets click here.
To view our Occupier Business Members list click here.
To View our Property Business Members list click here.
To view our Governance structure, operating & baseline agreements, click here.
New West End Company has retained the Occupier BID since 2005, representing the people and organisations behind the world’s largest retail and leisure destination for over a decade.
In March 2021 New West End Company renewed the Occupier BID for 2021 – 2026.
respondents (by number) voted in favour of our business proposals
respondents (by rateable value) voted in favour of our business proposals
turnout in 416 hereditaments eligible to vote
New West End Company has retained one of the UK’s first Property Owner BIDs since December 2015.
In March 2021 New West End Company renewed the Occupier BID for 2021 – 2026.
respondents (by number) voted in favour of our business proposals
respondents (by rateable value) voted in favour of our business proposals
turnout in 429 hereditaments eligible to vote